Support the Sharing of Dharma

ਘਾਲਿ ਖਾਇ ਕਿਛੁ ਹਥਹੁ ਦੇਇ ॥ ਨਾਨਕ ਰਾਹੁ ਪਛਾਣਹਿ ਸੇਇ ॥੧॥
ghaal khaa-ay kichh hathahu day-ay. naanak raahu pachhaaneh say-ay. (1)
One who works for what one eats, and gives some in service of Dharma -
O Nanak, that seeker knows the Path. (1)


Together we Build the Himalayan Ashram
Rajgiri, Ropar, Punjab, India

On this land, we will share the teachings and transmissions of the Himalayan Mother Traditions. We invite all hearts yearning for truth to walk this path of Dharma together.

On behalf of the International Community, Yogi Amandeep has acquired land to build an ashram cradled in the foothills of the mighty Himalayan mountains. 

The Himalayan ashram will offer a sacred space to evolve consciousness for seekers from the 4 corners of the globe. More than ever, we are called to create a sustainable community, rooted in the teachings of Dharma. 

Entering the womb of the Himalayan mother traditions, visitors will explore Ancient yogic practices, to include:

Esoteric Kriyas & Meditations
Dark Retreat
Temple Transmissions
Ayurvedic Lifestyle
Burial Mediations
Puja Ceremonies
Sufi Transmissions
Teacher Trainings
and more..

Ashram Fund

We humbly request that you make an Offering to our Dharmic Vision.
You may offer a single donation or become a monthly sponsor, which greatly helps with the building of our ashram.

Full Moon Community Kitchen

Annam Brahm means food is god. When you give food, you are giving God to people.
It’s the highest act in the realm of Karma, which gives birth to Dharma.
Giving a morsel of food benefits the conditioned soul not just in this lifetime but also the future 7 generations.
Sponsor the giving of God on your and your loved one's birthdays' anniversaries or any other special occasions.

Building of the Ashram

Infuse every Brick with gratitude and offer it to Dharma.

A portal of dharma, the sacred space of the ashram in which dharma becomes a living experience is the body of the awakened one.

Every brick that you will contribute with your infused gratitude becomes a cell in the body of the awakened one and gives the dimensionless reality a manifestation in the realm of time and space.

We know there are many ways for you to share your resources and we consider each donation as a gift of love. We truly appreciate the support offered in making these teachings accessible worldwide.

Thank you for your Support

Your donation will help us to continue our mission of sharing the teachings of the Himalayan mother traditions worldwide. We have a strong commitment to providing free community events and affordable online teaching modules for our sanghat. Our support team devotes a great deal of time and attention to making sure that everything we do reflects the clarity and heart of these teachings. Your donations are an important part of this whole creation. Thank you for your interest in supporting our collective Mission.