13 Week Course of Study

Jap Ji – Meditation of the Self, is the first Bani in the Siri Guru Granth Sahib. It is seen as the essence of the whole message of Eastern Spiritual Teachings. This divine song was revealed to Guru Nanak, when he reappeared after 3 days and 3 nights from deep Samadhi in the river vayee which transformed Nanak into Guru – the enlightened one.
If you can understand Jap Ji, something will start singing in you, something will start flowering in you.

Course includes:

**The History of JapJ,
**The Deep Knowledge, Wisdom and Great Secrets of Jap Ji,
**The Specific Pronunciation and Rhythm of Jap Ji (As handed down from the oral tradition of Guru Gobind Singh),
**Never Before Taught Meditations, and a private student portal with course videos, resources and additional info.


What is the meaning of Ik Ongkaar? “There is a secret that is waiting to be revealed. The secret of the twilight zone within two breaths. The secret of the black hole within two heartbeats. The secret of the gap within the two thoughts. When the two points within every duality merges. Then one enters the garden of bewilderment and smells the fragrance called “Unity of Being.”In that timeless time and spaceless space, nothingness through the flute of beingness sings, the cosmic song, the secret is revealed. That secret is called Ik Ongkaar.”
– Yogi Amandeep Singh